Speaker: Pete Alwinson # of Discs: 2
Jesus was a revolutionary. He came into this world, changed everything and turned it upside down. Jesus calls us to be revolutionaries too...but so often we're not. We're leashed to our fears, unforgiveness, addictions, selfishness and stuff. How can we be free and unleashed on the world to make a difference? An appeal to your heart with Revolutionary Motivation—What is your motivation? It is revolutionary love. Let God's unconditional love sink into your life and then love others in the way you were first loved. An appeal to your head with Revolutionary Perspective—God owns everything and we are his property managers. That perspective will change your life. An appeal to your feet with Revolutionary Generosity—Naturally flowing from God's love and sovereignty, we become generous people. The question becomes, how can I give it away? And then an appeal to your sense of adventure with Revolutionary Risk—We were born again to live as people on the edge for risk and adventure as God defines it...and that's the safest place to be. A call to change...in order to change the world. A 4-message (2-CD) series.